Najgorzej jest być nikim dla kogoś kto jest dla Ciebie wszystkim

Najgorzej jest być nikim dla kogoś kto jest dla Ciebie wszystkim


snayer 2008-06-08

Najgorzej jest być nikim dla kogoś kto jest dla Ciebie wszystkim

But everything can change if you have patience,
even someone who doesn't notices you at all,
can become aware of you even like or love you,
sometimes it only takes something small to open the other persons heart or yours,
maybe a word, maybe a smile, maybe a guest, maybe something foolish, maybe a hand to hold,
but you have to do this freely without expecting anything in return, and all you do or say has to be true and real and not an act or a play to get what you want, or something to comfort your needs or desires!

I also thought someone I like very much didn't notice me as more than, some acquaintance, some face in the crowd, only a shadow, only a (strange) stanger pasing by in her live,
but than SHE had the courage to take a chance and waved her hand to me unexpectedly when I passed by her window and gave me a beautyfull smile and I waved back at her!
I took the courage to come up to her and I noticed that she trembled like animal before the coming of a storm, my heart pounded in my throat like with a deer aware of the presence of the coming attack of beast of prey, and from her mouth came the most beautifull sound of all, words of freedom and truth coming from her heart and soul, the flowed like gold falling from her mouth to my ear into my soul!
And from this moment on I wasn't anymore a shadow in her life,
but I became of subtance and a point of her affection!

So you can see everything can (but don't have to) change in a moment, but you have to be open for it and take a chance sometime!

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