
Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds drifting on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me..
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom in the tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me...
And I'm feeling good

Dragonflies out in the sun
You know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all having fun
You know what I mean
Sleep in peace
When, ah, this day is done
And this old world
Is a new world
And a bold world
For me...

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh, freedom is mine
And you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me...

yeah, ooh
Oh, ooh...

Oooh, ooh..free, Freer than you...
Oooh, oooh
Feeling good


mrrrum 2008-03-29

Haha :D Z samolotu się ewakuowałaś? ;)


monia1 2008-03-29



kasiulap 2008-03-29

odważny skok, wszechświat jest twój:)


emila0500 2008-03-29

aby dosiegnac sloneczka


lacrimosa 2008-03-30

Pozazdrościć pozytywnej energii :-))))

Miłego :-)))


pizimizi 2008-03-30

Cu do wne... :P swietny pomysł.. :) pieknie to wyglada :)


kol51 2008-03-31

fruwając w obłokach....superrr


cantor 2008-04-05

Fotka zaczepista...to wyglada jakbys wyskoczyla z samolotu..ale gdzie spadochron?..heheh


user1 2008-04-16

"And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun" ;-)


dopilarska 2008-04-26

RED-BUL -doda ci skrzydeł...

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